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Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Style Madness...

My new favourite style inspiration is Andrea Zanetich from Fox in Flats (created to serve as fashion and style inspiration during the busy time motherhood) she has such a fun, quirky and individual style.

Whilst I am not a mother, I do find benefit from the site as I juggle the elements of my hectic life. There are new posts, how tos, inspiration and tips. Something I quite enjoy are the style dares. I attempted the hair dare that lasted a week and last month took part in FABruary - a month long style dare that invloves a prompt for each day.
As the month of February came to an end (devastating) I began to wonder what I would do each day without a prompt - I obviously have been dressing myself for many, many years but I was really enjoying looking at a prompt the night before or on the day and styling an outfit within my tastes (or outside of my comfort zones). So far I have not purposely purchased something to complete the day, instead taking Andrea's advice to "shop our wardrobes". Sharing over facebook, twitter and instagram has also opened up this new world of fashion and beauty lovers - great for networking or to indulge your obsessions!

I was not alone in this thought, many Foxy followers felt the same and then came along Style Dare A Day - March ... same concept, new prompts and a different hashtag (#foxinflatsstyledare) to connect via instagram/twitter. Here is the prompt list:

Day three today, I love a good challenge.. looking forward to completing this one! There are so many that I am excited about.. a few that will be totally easy and a couple that I look forward to the challenge (particuarly #14 and #30 which I will need to borrow my cousin for!)

Find me @saregiak on instagram or @SarahGiak on twitter (will be retweeted to our own twitter account @styleseekgirl)... Let me know if you are doing this - and if you are not you should be!! You can catch it up or just start from now.

Remember to add your own flair and interpret the prompt how you want! The more unique and interesting the better!

Fox In Flats Facebook
For the Style Seeking Girl Facebook

Bring on the madness that comes with a style challenge!! Can you feel the excitement??
Kooklah Xx



  1. Thankyou so much for the shout out - I love seeing your pics! xA

  2. Thankyou so much for the shout out - I love seeing your pics! xA

    1. Thanks Andrea! I love completing these dares...I love been part of this community and feeding my styling obsession. Sarah xo
